Lazartigue takes its commitment even further with its new REPAIR 500ML eco-refill. With -75% less plastic than 2 bottles of Lazartigue 250ml shampoos. Formulated with 91% natural ingredients, REPAIR shampoo...
Repair Shampoo is a melting shampoo that repairs and restructures damaged and over-processed hair. Over time, seemingly innocuous processes like brushing and heat styling can cause serious harm to the...
Curl Specialist Taming & Protecting Cream has an instant action: it hydrates and protects the hair! It takes care of hair lacking nutrition, its smooth and lightweight texture moisturizes the hair without leaving residues...
Curl Specialist Curl Awakening Spray instantly redefines curls between washes. The curl-defining spray takes care of hair lacking nutrition. Its lightweight and non-sticky texture hydrates the hair, leaving it more elastic and...
Volumize Volume Hairspray is a styling spray that reduces static electricity on fine and flat hair while providing volume and shine. Plenty of people complain of fine hair that appears...
Purify Shampoo is a silicone-free and sulfate-free purifying shampoo for oily scalps. Although sebum is an essential feature of a healthy scalp, its overproduction can result not only in the...
This soothing and cleansing Shampoo lastingly removes stubborn dandruff and prevents the reappearance of flakes in just 15 days. Its botanical formula is made from 96% naturally-sourced ingredients that purify...
This intensive, sulphate-free anti-dandruff shampoo immediately removes dandruff and cleanses the scalp with its combination of high-performance active ingredients. Its formula is made from 95% naturally-sourced ingredients that are clinically...
Enriched with chia seed extract and marula oil, which protects the hair fibre from aggressive heat, up to 230°C/446°. Sérum d’Exception shields and hydrates the lengths, seals split ends and...
بلسم للشعر بخلاصة 100% الكيراتين النباتي وحمض الهيالورونيك يصلح الشعر التالف للعمق ويجدد خلايا الشعر حتى الأطراف، والنتيجة شعر صحي وناعم وخالي من التلف والتقصف – حجم 150 مل -...
سيروم نباتي ينعم ويغذي ألياف الشعر الجافة والمتعبة خصوصا الأطراف ويعطي الشعر نعومة ولمعان فوري بتركيبة نباتية من أربع زيوت فاخرة هي الأرغان والكاميليا مع الجرانيوم المصري والمشمش لشعر صحي...
سيروم نباتي علاجي يكثف الشعر الخفيف ويقوي البصيلات ويحمي من التساقط ويحفز نمو شعر أكثر كثافة بتركيبة نباتية سريعة الجفاف ولا تدهن الشعر وحائزة على براءة اختراع تحتوي على مكونات...