يغذي الصبار ويلطف ويزيل احتقان بشرة الوجه. لا يحتوي على البارابين أو الألوان الاصطناعية. مفحوصه من قبل اطباء الجلديه. مصنوع من 100٪ قطن ممزوج بالعلاج المهدئ
يعمل على زيادة الالتصاق بالجلد إلى الحد الأقصى ، مما يمنح ترطيبًا استثنائيًا وتأثيرًا فوريًا للرفع وإشراقًا أكبر للبشرة.
حليب منظف وغسول يومي للوجه بقوام حليبي لطيف حتى على العيون وبتركيبة من الصبار يزيل بقايا الشوائب والمكياج وينقي المسام كما يعمل على توحيد لون البشرة والنتيجة بشرة صحية وصافية...
Product Properties: moisturizing, nourishment, smoothing
Facial Mud Dead Sea Mud Mask Detoxify and cleanse the skin, unclog pores, gently exfoliate, restore moisture, reduce redness and inflammation, and plump fine lines and wrinkles
100% natural formula made with fine ingredients to help exfoliate and hydrate delicate areas, leaving skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Use : Apply the scrub to the skin cleansed beforehand, then...
100% natural formula made with fine ingredients to help exfoliate and hydrate delicate areas, leaving skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Use : Apply the scrub to the skin cleansed beforehand, then...
100% natural formula made with fine ingredients to help exfoliate and hydrate delicate areas, leaving skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Use : Apply the scrub to the skin cleansed beforehand, then...
100% natural formula made with fine ingredients to help exfoliate and hydrate delicate areas, leaving skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Use: Apply the scrub to the skin cleansed beforehand, then massage...
100% natural formula made with fine ingredients to help exfoliate and hydrate delicate areas, leaving skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Use : Apply the scrub to the skin cleansed beforehand, then...